Belajar Application Letter
KUY! BELAJAR BARENG APPLICATION LETTER Hello guys!! Apa kalian sudah tau Application Letter?? Nahh, sekarang mari kita belajar tentang Application Letter, gampang dan seru loh guys! Asalkan kalian mau belajar dan jangan anggap susah dulu. Itung-itung buat belajar saat mau melamar pekerjaan di masa yang akan datang. Kuy! kita bahas lebih mendalam apa itu Application Letter Pertama, kalian harus tau dulu fungsi dari application letter, lalu apa sih fungsi dari application letter itu sendiri, berikut penjelasannya 1) Function a. The purpose is to improve your balances of be for an interview. so you will get the job. b. The introduce you to potential employers and highlight your suitability for the position you are applying for c. Inform applicants why they should consider the positi...